2017 12(1)

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Nordic Journal of Surveying and Real Estate Research 12:1 (2017)

This issue is supported by




During 2017, our publisher was renamed the Society of Built Environment
Research, and this change also reflects in the journal. Issue 12(1) is my first
issue as the editor-in-chief. In line with the new, wider focus, this issue comprises
three papers representing different research traditions within the wide field of
built environment.

The first paper represents the research stream of real estate evaluation, this
time in the interesting context of Tanzanian traditional housing. The research
assesses the effects of traditional Swahili houses on marginal rental values.

Next, Roni Laakso presents a study from the field of real estate investment.
The paper examines whether the value relevance of investment property is
different for companies that provide sensitivity analyses to support their property
valuations compared to companies that do not disclose such information.

Finally, Kimmo Sulonen, Seija Kotilainen and Juhana Hiironen introduce
a study in land management, more specifically land consolidation. The paper
provides insights on the different voluntary-based approaches in different countries
and compares their major differences and similarities in relation to the traditional
land consolidation model of Finland.

In 2018, we continue to welcome new submissions from all realms of built
environment research.

Wishing everyone enjoyable reading experiences,

Riikka Kyrö

The Impact of Traditional House-type on Rental Values in Kinondoni Municipality Dar es Salaam Tanzania
Samwel Alananga Sanga
Article (pdf)

Keywords: developing countries, housing demand, rental housing, rental values, Swahili houses
Published online 11 August 2017

Property Valuation and Sensitivity Analysis – Does Increased Disclosure Decrease Uncertainty?
Roni Laakso
Article (pdf)

Keywords: investment property, fair value, REIT, NAV discount, sensitivity analysis, value relevance.
Published online 08 January 2018

Voluntary Land Consolidation Approaches and Their Adaptability to Experimental Farm-based Land Consolidation in Finland
Kimmo Sulonen, Seija Kotilainen & Juhana Hiironen
Article (pdf)

Keywords: Finland, land consolidation, voluntary approach
Published online 02 March 2018